[fpc-devel] TTypeKind, strings and chars

Paul Ishenin paul.ishenin at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 02:53:49 CEST 2013

01.06.13, 6:48, Maciej Izak пишет:
> Hi,
> I'm creating another more advanced (and 99% compatible with Delphi)
> version of the library Generics.Collections (without GetValueSize and
> GetReferenceToValue specially for Sven :P) and I have some dilemmas
> about TTypeKind.
> What happened to tkLString? All strings with code page, UTF8String,
> AnsiString, RawByteString etc. become tkAString. In Delphi analogous
> types are as tkLString. tkLString is deprecated/dead? ;) I can't find
> the type that have tkLString "type kind".

Compiler uses internally some LongStrings which is not possible to use 
for variable declarations. I don't know whether this type is needed in 
RTTI. And yes, Delphi uses tkLString instead of tkAString for ansistrings.

> Another thing: Why there is tkUChar when we have tkWChar?... I can't
> find the type that have tkUChar "type kind" too (UnicodeChar is tkWChar).

I also don't know why we have it. Compiler does not use it.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

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