[fpc-devel] Where are parser sources?

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Thu Jan 3 10:42:26 CET 2013

On 03 Jan 2013, at 07:52, Andrzej Borucki wrote:

> I look to fpc-2.6.0.source.zip, directory fpc-2.6.0\compiler. I see  
> array
> arraytokeninfo in file tokens.pas where are keywords like 'repeat' and
> 'until'. But I can't find any parser (and lexer, dfa etc). How  
> FreePascal
> compiler proceed with grammar?

The lexer is mostly in scanner.pas

The parser is in pbase.pas (base parser routines), pstatmnt.pas  
(parsing statements), pexpr.pas (parsing expressions), pdecl.pas  
(generic declaration parsing), pdecvar.pas (parsing variable and  
property declarations), pdecsub.pas (parsing procedure/method  
declarations), pdecobj.pas (parsing object/class declarations),  
ptype.pas (generic type parsing).

The parser is a manually written recursive-descent parser. There is no  
formal grammar.

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