[fpc-devel] Using Macros for IInterface

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 26 13:47:01 CEST 2012

Am 26.09.2012 13:43, schrieb Marco van de Voort:
>> After all, it seems Delphi doesn't have a constref correct?
> I don't know what XE3 improves in that regard. But since FPC encountered
> this problem only after going multiarchitecture, I don't expect Embarcadero
> to deal with that until the new Delphi compiler lands.

The question is whether Embarcadero will deal with that at all as the 
concept of "constref" was only discussed and implemented after someone 
tried to use XPCOM...

Maybe someone should check how "const x: TGUID" behaves on other 
platforms supported by XE2 (Mac OS X, Win64)...


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