[fpc-devel] Memory Streams unable to handle reads past 2GB

Andrew atbrunner at aurawin.com
Wed Nov 7 00:38:36 CET 2012

On 12-11-06 05:23 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> Works perfectly here. 64-bit linux, 8Gb mem.
> Are you trying this on a 32-bit system ? Because then it will of 
> course fail.
> Also, it contains a flaw, since the buffer is not initialized, and 
> will contain random data. So the tests at the end will fail and cause 
> an error. But this has nothing to do with range checking.
> Michael.
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Fails EVERY time here.  And in production too.  I exclusively use memory 

Range Checking / Overflow off line 54 returns -2147483648 when I read 
only 2 bytes and MyBuffer should be [0,0] since that's what I wrote to 
the memory stream and shows it was never read into.

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