[fpc-devel] Opening FPC base classes

Martin Schreiber mse00000 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 13:46:24 CEST 2012

I am the author of MSEide+MSEgui, a Free Pascal development environment:

MSEide+MSEgui is not Delphi compatible and handles some basic TComponent 
issues differently to Lazarus:

Is it possible to add
  protected //for toolkit access only
   property OwnerPrivate: TComponent read FOwner write FOwner; deprecated;
   property NamePrivate: TComponentName read FName write FName; deprecated;
   property ComponentsPrivate: TfpList read FComponents 
                             write FComponents; deprecated;
   property ComponentStatePrivate: TComponentState read FComponentState 
                             write FComponentState; deprecated;
   property FreeNotifiesPrivate: TFpList read FFreeNotifies
                             write FFreeNotifies; deprecated;
to TComponent in order other toolkits than Lazarus can fulfil their 
taskwithout the necessity of changes in the FPC RTL?

TReader and TWriter are classes which normally are used by frameworks only. Is 
it possible to move all private fields of TFiler, TReader and TWriter to 
protected in order other toolkits than Lazarus can fulfil their task without 
the necessity of changes in the FPC RTL?

Is it possible to add 
  protected //for toolkit access only
   property HandlePrivate: THandle read FHandle
                             write FHandle; deprecated;
" to THandleStream
  protected //for toolkit access only
   property CapacityPrivate: PtrInt read FCapacity
                             write FCapacity; deprecated;
" to TMemoryStream?

Thank you very much,


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