[fpc-devel] New functions for time zone

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 18:35:29 CEST 2012

Hello FPC,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 5:41:45 PM, you wrote:

>> A:=Now;
>> B:=GetLocalTimeOffSet;
>> C:=LocalTimeToUniversal(A,B);
>> Will not return correct result in some mini-mili-microseconds slices
>> two times a year, and as more time passes between the assignements of
>> A and B (using a time field in databases, it could be days, years,
>> months...) the chances of a wrong conversion will raise a lot.
MVC> This is correct, but unavoidable without a huge
MVC> implementation like TZPascal...

That's completly overkill.

MVC> Even 'Now' itself is not 100% correct, since lots of computations are still
MVC> done after the time was gotten from the OS...

I think thew word here is "precise", now is not 100% precise, but it
is correct as it can describe a given moment in time, you know, the
most precise clock is the stopped one, it returns a 100% accurate time
2 times each day :)

Best regards,

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