[fpc-devel] Building a zip installer for cross-arm-linux

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Sun Feb 6 14:18:56 CET 2011

On 6 February 2011 08:24, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
<felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> This is a continuation of the previous thread. In short, I am still
> trying to create a x86-linux -> arm-linux pre-compiled package.
> Ok, so now I tryed following suggestions with this command:
> make clean crossall crosszipinstall CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=linux
> The binutils were installed with an RPM package, so they are on
> /usr/bin and I did the trick to substitute arm-linux-as with a
> shellscript which passes the mebi expected.
> But the generated package has no executables! =o This command creates
> a tar.gz with two directories inside it:
> bin -> empty

Only the native tools will be installed there, so this will be empty
on a crosszipinstall.

> lib -> full with .o files

lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppcrossarm is the crosscompiler you are looking for.

> Some questions:
> 1> Any ideas why it creates an empty bin directory instead of putting
> there ppcarm?

ppcarm is for native compilation, so if you want that, don't use
crosszipinstall, just use zipinstall.

> 2> What is NOWPOCYCLE=1 ?

This is so that the compiler cycle doesn't do wpo (which adds another
couple of cycles).  I tend to use it because my computer is slow (and
I am impatient).  wpo should give better performance/size, though.

> 3> What is CROSSOPT="-CfSOFT" ? This looks the same as OPT="-dFPC_ARMEL" ?

This compiles the rtl/packages with -CfSOFT, which may be the default
for an armel compiler, I'm not sure.


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