[fpc-devel] TFPCustomCanvas Expanded Clipping

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 10:22:54 CET 2011

On top of that the drawing routines in TFPCustomCanvas are not
single-liners calling DoSomething, for example:

procedure TFPCustomCanvas.Ellipse (const Bounds:TRect);
var p,b,dp,db,pb : boolean;
  p := Pen.style <> psClear;
  b := Brush.style <> bsClear;
  pb := false;
  if p and (Pen is TFPCustomDrawPen) then

So not having them as virtual ruins our hability to change their behavior.

Also TCanvas does not draw via Pen, Brush and Font like TFPCustomCanvas does.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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