[fpc-devel] win64 dwarf patch

Willibald Krenn Willibald.Krenn at gmx.at
Fri Oct 15 21:23:54 CEST 2010

Am 15.10.2010 19:58, schrieb And3mD:
> Hello,
> I found something I think can be problem with lazarus on win64:

True, using 32-bit wide Tag fields to store pointers is a bad idea on 
x64. However, the problems with the debugger are more related to the use 
of StrToIntDef instead of StrToInt64Def... (See attached file.)

Still, even when this is patch applied, debugging with an image base of 
 >32bit is not stable. Whenever I put a breakpoint on a writeln and I 
single-step to the next statement, I get a segfault. But this may very 
well be caused by GDB.


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