[fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 17:24:09 CEST 2010

Hello FPC,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 4:08:08 PM, you wrote:

>> As you can see the "Loaded" event is called (marked with some //-----)
>> before calling "GlobalFixupReferences", 
MS> Not if GlobalLoaded is set.

Yes, but it is not set, because BeginGlobalLoading is not called at
all from any point in the code, nor in fpc/rtl nor in Lazarus lcl, nor
in Lazarus IDE, but the IDE is not the important thing as the main
problem is at runtime. Only LNet httpsvlt is calling the
"BeginGlobalLoading" unless some other call it using some kind of
opaque pointer :-?

F:\Lazarus>find "begingloballoading" *.pas;*.pp;*.inc /s

  0 lines in      0 files


F:\fpc\svn>find "begingloballoading" *.pas;*.pp;*.inc /s

---- F:\fpc\svn\packages\fcl-net\src\httpsvlt.pp

---- F:\fpc\svn\rtl\objpas\classes\classes.inc
procedure BeginGlobalLoading;
  { Free the memory occupied by BeginGlobalLoading }

---- F:\fpc\svn\rtl\objpas\classes\classesh.inc
procedure BeginGlobalLoading;

  4 lines in      3 files

Is each component which must call "BeginGlobalLoading" ? or is the
read logic which must decide when activate the globalloading ?

Best regards,

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