[fpc-devel] Interface scope incompatibility with Delphi

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 10:42:56 CET 2010

Op 2010-11-10 11:30, Michael Van Canneyt het geskryf:
> It depends. You're not supposed to make assumptions on when an interface
> goes out of scope.

I'll search the mailing list archives for those explanations, thanks. I
don't immediately understand why this is a problem, because the RTL is not
a "managed code" environment with garbage collection. So I guess most
developers would expect common "out of scope" rules apply. When a local
variable is defined and you leave that method/procedure, it's out of scope.

> why this assumption is false, and that indeed FPC is not compatible to
> Delphi in this regard, and that this will not be changed.

Then this is bad news indeed. Another blow to trying to improve FPC built
application debugging. :-(

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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