[fpc-devel] bug in fpdoc HTML output - double spacing

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 09:40:33 CET 2010

Op 2010-11-08 10:11, Michael Van Canneyt het geskryf:
> Marco didn't close the bug. I did.

Apologies to Marco then.

> If you can show that it consistently behaves a certain way, 
> then we can track and solve the problem, I have no problem 
> with that. But until now you're the only one that has the 
> problem in a certain case, and you have been unable to show 
> that the problem indeed lies with FPC, which leads me to 
> conclude that the problem lies on your machine or copy of 
> fpdoc.css, rather than in the fpdoc system.

If you read the bug report in detail, I did list all of this, I also listed
other documentation (not under my control) that shows the same problem. So
I ruled out a problem with my setup (which also hasn't changed for years).

If you want another example (not under my control and not generated by me):


Not Working:
 (see the double spacing in the list of units)

To reproduce, all I have to do is run the tiOPF or fpGUI's fpdoc scripts
that generate HTML output. No trickery required. And again, these scripts
(especially the tiOPF one) hasn't changed in years, yet the output
generated June 2009 (which is currently available online) is *not* the same
as the output it generates now with the latest fpdoc. So the only thing
that has changed between June 2009 and now is fpdoc. Nothing changed in my
scripts and nothing changed in my fpdoc.css style file.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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