[fpc-devel] Rather large flaw in TJSONConfig component

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 09:22:18 CEST 2010

Op 2010-06-21 17:11, Michael Van Canneyt het geskryf:
> Only if you program it so. I program with UpdateMode=upWhereKeyOnly, and
> then all updates go through, unless the record was deleted.
>> Because they don't get notified about their data (last saved) being lost. :-)
> Well, I prefer that over bugging our users with dialogs that they don't understand
> anyway. Additionally, it drastically degrades performance.

[getting a bit off-topic here]

That is a rather dangerous approach to take. Imagine two accountants have a
Clients transaction screen open - both adding new transactions. First
accountant processes a 1 million Euro purchase. Then the second accountant
processes a 50 Euro purchase. Using your thinking, that Client will now
only owe use 50 euros. :-(

We handle concurrency slightly different. We use System Locks. The first
person in a area get the system lock. Anybody else afterwards only sees
that area as read-only with a option to send a message to the first user to
get out of that area if it is urgent.

> You can start documenting them if you wish. But they won't be included
> in the official docs till fully finished.

That's what I asked, and I'm fine with that. :-)

> (Actually, I started on fcl-json
> to get it included on www.json.org. Documentation is a prerequisite)

I saw the message you forwarded from json.org - a reasonable prerequisite.
I'm looking a bit more into JSON - it's a rather nice format. Easy to read
(human readable) and differentiates nicely between arrays, integer, object
and string types (describing data types) - much better than XML does.

 <person name="john" age="28">


 { "person": {
      "name": "john",
      "age": 28

The JSON output immediately tells me that name is a text field and age is
an integer field. It's not obvious in the XML where all attribute values
must be enclosed in quotes.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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