[fpc-devel] Messages overhead

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Fri Jul 16 16:33:05 CEST 2010

Op Fri, 16 Jul 2010, schreef Micha Nelissen:

> Daniël Mantione wrote:
>> Op Fri, 16 Jul 2010, schreef Micha Nelissen:
>>> Does FPC compile significantly faster when using -O- then?
>> That is irrelevant; for example the register allocator made the compiler 
>> slower (initially even 3 times, but we managed to reduce it to a few ten 
>> %), but had great effects on code quality.
> What do you mean with code quality then? I thought performance of the 
> generated code.

Then we are thinking the same :)

The register allocator sacrified compiler speed for code quality. 2.0 
generates much better code than 1.0.

Also there were lots of bugs due to runing out of registers before, the 
register allocator dealt with that problem once and forever, so you can 
also say we sacrified compiler speed for compiler reliability.


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