[fpc-devel] RFC: changing conditional compilation

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 23:39:28 CET 2010

>> Hi Jonas,
>> As you can imagine I'd prefer to "solve" the $ifdef "problem" ;-)
> To be honest: no, I can't imagine why you would prefer that. The entire
> difference between $ifdef and $if is that $if checks the value of something
> (and hence will give an error if the symbol is undefined) and $ifdef checks
> whether it is defined or not. As far as I can tell, you would simply like to
> be able to use boolean constants in $if expressions.

Hope you rethink your opinion the next time you forget to add an {$I}
or mess up a define name ;-)

Best regards,

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