[fpc-devel] FPC 2.3.1 seems a mixed mess with Unicode support

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara pascalive at bol.com.br
Thu Sep 17 18:44:29 CEST 2009

Graeme Geldenhuys escreveu:
> Luiz Americo Pereira Camara het geskryf:
>> Yes. RTLString would be just an alias to UnicodeString in win32 and 
>> UTF8String in unixes
> Bad news for Michael. :-) We would have to have serious documentation on
> all the string types supported by FPC - I'm loosing count!  We would
> also need a nice big table showing all the "alias" strings and what they
> really mean on each platform.

RTLString would not meant to be used in client applications. Would be 
useful only in functions that interact with system calls like the RTL 
ones having two benefits: avoiding extra encoding conversions and the 
need for duplicated RTL (UTF16 and UTF8).


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