[fpc-devel] New global CustomApplication variable

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Fri Oct 16 08:57:15 CEST 2009

Martin Schreiber wrote:
> The eventqueue is implemented on all platforms, with and without GUI as an 
> internal teventlist which holds instance pointers of tevent class. The X and 
> win32 events are packed into a appropriate tevent descendent and feed into 
> the queue. It is possible to loop tevent's to X or win32 event queue if the 
> receiving order must be synchronized with system events.


This seems to be platform and GUI system independent and thus is exactly
how I think it should be done.

I feel it would be a very desirable enhancement to the FPC RTL if this
would be moved there and any GUI-based "TApplication"(such as coming
with MSEGUI and Lazarus) and any non-GUI-based "TApplication" (such es
"embedded" stuff and remote GUIs such as HTTP based "Bowser-GUI"
implementations) would be built on top of this.


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