[fpc-devel] ref,user and prog in chm format

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Jul 28 15:17:00 CEST 2009


I've made a few scripts that 
(1) fix (some of) the html output of tex4ht.  (fpcdocs/relinkdocs.pp)
(2) compress them to chm with generated toc and searchability

This enabled me to compile the most recent docs to a fairly usable CHM


* scripts require 2.3.1 r13357 or newer to compile
* scripts only tested on windows, but don't expect problems on *nix.
* The CHMs have no "index" page yet. The latex index is apparantly not 
   translated by tex4ht.
* the list of tables is still broken.
* The title of the file is hardcoded on the cmdline.
* The scripts are not fully recursive, and only add html files. Be careful
  if you try to modify them to fit all three manuals in one file.
* (prog only) paragraph 0.1 has no chapter and is appended to "Contents",
   which is the same as the normal main index page. (on which the TOC is
* I consider these scripts, so errorhandling and verbosity is minimal for now.

Usage of the scripts
* create or download the unfixed docs generated by tex4ht
* In a directory that has the docs in user/ prog/ and ref/ run relinkdocs
* move the user-fixed/ prog-fixed/ ref-fixed dirs to a new dir, and rename
   them back to prog/ user/ and ref/  (these paths will be visible in the
* Use the compilelatexchm script as follows:
	compilelatexchm prog "Programmer's guide"
	compilelatexchm ref "Reference guide"
	compilelatexchm user "User's guide"

(The second parameter is the title of the generated CHM, the first is both
path (in case of prog: prog/ and base prefix  prog<x>,html))

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