[fpc-devel] Second version of FPC for iPhone SDK 2.x available

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sat Jan 17 21:37:11 CET 2009


As promised last week, I've released a small update to the FPC for  
iPhone SDK 2.x. The changes since the previous release are:
* Mention that you need a certificate from Apple to run self-written  
applications on an iPhone/iPod Touch
* Installation script mentions its location whenever it aborts
* Link to wiki page with more information
* Xcode template now ignores FPC configuration files
* Xcode template handles Xcode reassembling previously compiled files  
(e.g., in case the current SDK is switched)

So apart from a couple of tweaks to the Xcode template, most changes  
are only to the documentation and the text printed by the installation  
script. The included FPC version is identical to the one of the  
previous version.

The download link is:

Also see the wiki page (thanks, Dmitry) for more information,  
especially if you did not use FPC for iPhone SDK before: http://wiki.freepascal.org/iPhone/iPod_development



PS: there is no "upgrade" package available because this distribution  
is handled like the other snapshots for simplicity reasons (and I also  
don't think there are that many people who already downloaded the  
first release)

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