[fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing
Anton Kavalenka
anton.k at tut.by
Tue Sep 9 11:28:53 CEST 2008
Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> I've continued to work on support of an unicodestring type in fpc.
> It's currently in an svn branch at:
> http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/branches/unicodestring
> and will be merged later to trunk. The unicodestring type is a ref.
> counted utf-16 string. On non-windows, widestring is mapped to this
> type. If you're interested in unicode support please test, give
> feedback here and submit fixes.
> An existing working copy of trunk can be switched to this branch by
> cd fpc
> svn switch http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/branches/unicodestring
> and back with
> svn switch http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk
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The Pascal huge strings always annoy me.
Since - it is IMPLICIT automatic object with set of overloaded methods,
length and reference count fields etc hidden from developer.
In near future we geat a Zoo of the strings:
AnsiString, WideString, UnicodeString, ShortString, PWideChar, PChar
Some of them with encoding field.
Why not to make it EXPLICIT object
s2:=TCoolFPCString.Create('????????'); //UTF8 encoded constant
SetWindowTextW(WinHandle,s.AsUnicodeString); // i explicitly say - get
me wide string and DO not any compiler magic
if (s1.length=length(s2))... // generic runtime function length returns
the property of cool object
s1.AcquireLock // prevent other threads acccess
s1.LoadFromResource(n_ReasourceId); // just use GNU gettext
s1.ReleaseLock // allow other thread access
Anyway I just can subclass standard string and get a new functionality
with reachness of availabel fields and methods.
FPC supports operators - so there is lots of way to represent the
string, assign the string, load it from resource.
Make it thread-safe at implementation level but not at compiler level.
Standard string, unicode string , ansistring, widestring can be
implemented as wrappers along this object.
It seems like in mseGUI it is done.
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