[fpc-devel] UnicodeChar and Locale variables don't work

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Thu Nov 20 16:21:43 CET 2008

Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:
> Hi
> How am I supposed to handle unicode characters for locale variables?
> All locale variables like ThousandSeparator is type Char and there is
> no overloaded UnicodeChar versions.  This causes problems in Russian
> locales as the example below shows.
>   c := UnicodeChar($00A0);  // non-breaking space character
>   ThousandSeparator := c;
>   s := Format('%10.2n', [123456789.123456]);
>   writeln('Russian style No-break Space char  s = ', s);
>   writeln('SizeOf(UnicodeChar) = ', SizeOf(c));
>   writeln('SizeOf(ThousandSeparator) = ', SizeOf(ThousandSeparator));
> And the output is as follows:
> Russian style No-break Space char  s = 123�456�789.12
> SizeOf(UnicodeChar) = 2
> SizeOf(ThousandSeparator) = 1
> The ThousandSeparater variable is not big enough to store the
> character.  Plus, what's going to happen with > BMP characters?

Well, this is one of the thousands of little problems which need to be
solved ...

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