[fpc-devel] Why is FPC so self-contained ?

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Tue Nov 4 14:00:43 CET 2008

> yes, this is why I consider to use an ARM7 controller "in front of" an 
> ARM9 (Linux) controller, although the ARM9 should have the power to 
> handle my realtime stuff.
This is why I decided to handle this kind of complexity with an FPGA 
with embedded (Linux-) Processor. The fast stuff can be done in HDL 
while the processor can take it's time to do the complex stuff. And we 
only have a single chip that (other than special processor chips) is 
very unlikely to become unavailable any time soon. And if the FPGA chip 
used is discontinued, there will very likely be a bigger compatible one.


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