[fpc-devel] An incomplete prototype of my ebook FREE PASCAL FROM SQUARE ONE

listmember listmember at letterboxes.org
Fri Feb 22 10:47:28 CET 2008

I have read the text and I'd like to thank the author for the immense 
effort (both in the past and in the future) put into it.

The only criticism I might have on it would be that it is a little too 

I am referring to the stuff related to measurement systems, and other 
various things that are peculiar to living in US.

These are likely to make the job of translator rather hard and/or cause 
unnecessary confusion in the non-US (and, non-English) reader.

Unless of course you let the translators do their job by translating the 
gist of the matter --i.e. do cultural translation-- by skipping or 
altering those parts.

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