[fpc-devel] RTTI's GetPropValue returns corrupt Boolean value

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 16:00:37 CET 2007

On 20/11/2007, Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
> > Fair enough. I'm not a fan of Variants either, but how else would I
> > write the PropertyMatch() function then?  Yes I could do some extra
> > tests and use GetStrProp, GetIntProp, GetFloatProp etc.
> This is IMHO the only correct way.

I've extended the PropertyMatch() function to test for tkBool types
(no variants) and do a writeln when it finds it. That parts seems to
work fine.

> It probably retuns an int(64), and when it's converted to variant
> - I don't know. I'd have to look at the code.

That would be great.  I'm on my way home now, but will continue
looking at the code tomorrow. More eyeballs on the code is always

> This is exactly where the easy access to RTTI would come in handy, and
> which is why I would like to have it. If you want we can always discuss
> in private the design of such an easy-acces method.

I've created a tiRTTI.pas unit in tiOPF, but it's simply wrappers for
calling many other functions. It makes it a bit easier to use RTTI
though.  But yes I wouldn't mind discussion an 'easy-access' method
for RTTI.

  - Graeme -

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