[fpc-devel] Re: NotifyIconData not flexible enougth

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Sat Nov 10 13:37:50 CET 2007

> Marco van de Voort schreef:
> > Btw, the defines are converted from the MS headers. So this is how MS does
> > it in practice themselves.
> They probably have a dll for each version, so that is not option for 
> fpc, (unless you want to create several units).

Not entirely. It's not like mySQL which are simply incompat. Newer DLLs
contain the old implementation and decide the version depending on the size
of the record (which they get as separate parameter) which version to use.

The main problem is older code not using sizeof(rec.field) to access them,
and a possible increase of minimal version.

Iirc the problem with these DLLs is that on win9x, IE versions also update
core Windows DLLs like commctrls and shellapi. So not all win9x versions are
homogenous. It is possible to update a win95 to almost win98 level with
respect to windows api.

(maybe even IE7 does this on XP too btw, but not much people are interested
in this functionality, though it could get important when Vista catches on).

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