[fpc-devel] two changes to fcl 2.0.5

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Thu Jan 11 20:02:37 CET 2007


I'm finally tired of two bugs in fcl in 2.0.5, it could be possible
that these be made/merged back?.

1. TSQLQuery under 2.0.5 stores readonly published property IndexDefs
into lazarus lfm file. Lazarus is happy reading back the lfm file if
it was compiled with 2.0.5 but if it was compiled with 2.1.1 it
complains about the readonly property. I can fix that manually
removing the the IndexDefs property from the lfm file, I'm tired of

This bug is fixed by this patch:
Index: sqldb.pp
--- sqldb.pp    (revisión: 5681)
+++ sqldb.pp    (copia de trabajo)
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
     property UpdateSQL : TStringlist read FUpdateSQL write
     property InsertSQL : TStringlist read FInsertSQL write
     property DeleteSQL : TStringlist read FDeleteSQL write
-    property IndexDefs : TIndexDefs read GetIndexDefs;
+    property IndexDefs : TIndexDefs read GetIndexDefs stored false;
     property Params : TParams read FParams write FParams;
     property UpdateMode : TUpdateMode read FUpdateMode write
     property UsePrimaryKeyAsKey : boolean read FUsePrimaryKeyAsKey
write SetUsePrimaryKeyAsKey;

2. I use some png images in my project, every time that I need to do
changes on the form, a get "Invalid horizontal pixel index -1" error
message (TImage)" error, this bug is fixed in revision: 5355, what it
does?, see:

What you think?, can this happen?.


Jesus Reyes A.

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