[fpc-devel] fpdoc HTML with search feature

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 14:45:57 CEST 2007

On 16/08/07, Micha Nelissen <micha at neli.hopto.org> wrote:
> It surprises me you didn't consider fixing the LCL, while you are now
> writing a complete widgetset yourself. The LCL seems complex, but with
> some answered questions you may have, it's not exactly rocket science
> either.

I have fixed a few bugs but no matter how much you fix, their will
always be some issues. The underlying (native) widget sets are a
moving target as they are constantly developed as well.

Also you have other issues to consider:

  * Maybe we had bad luck with timing. We used GTK1 because GTK2 was
unusable at that stage. Then development started on GTK2 and broke
very frequently the GTK1 widget set. We couldn't change to GTK2 at
that stage, because it was heavily under development. We had to revert
to older Lazarus version where GTK2 didn't break anything and couldn't
take advantage of bug fixes available to GTK1.

 * What if you find a bug in a Windows component, and that same
component under GTK or Qt doesn't have that issue. More workarounds in
the Windows layer, because you can't actually fix the bug at hand.

  * Then lets talk about native widgets limitations. A simple thing
like changing the background color of a button. Not possible under
Windows (without a custom button component) but is under GTK.

  Reported back in 2005 and still not resolved. Still being discussed
(last postings on mailing list dated 18 July 2007)

The same I believe was true (but opposite way around in GTK) with Form
background color.
Not sure if this was resolved yet. Last time I was told I am not
supposed to change the Form's background color, but should let the
desktop theme control that. Tell that to WinAmp style apps. We would
like to control the look of our applications.
These are _not_ supposed to be complex problems!  Using a custom
written widget set, such issues could have been fixed in minutes and
work on all platforms.

Sorry for the long post... :)

  - Graeme -

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