[fpc-devel] paszlib documentation?

Scott Pascoe scott.pascoe at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 17:33:14 CEST 2006

Back with another question...

I've run into an error using makeskel and haven't figured out how to fix it.

running makeskel with all of the .pas files in paszlib generated an
unhandled exception.

I've narrowed it down to the zbase.pas file, so a command line of :

makeskel --package=paszlib --output=paszlib.xml --input=zbase.pas


An unhandled exception occurred at $00420B12 :
EParserError : Invalid character '?'

I searched the file for ? and found a deliberate syntax error if
MAX_MATCH_IS_258 is not defined (at line 374).

This is defined in the zconf.inc file that is included at the beginning of
the zbase.pas file.

I tried a commandline of:

 makeskel --package=paszlib --output=paszlib.xml --input='-dMAX_MATCH_IS_258

but the result was no different.

Can you give me a clue on what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks, Scott

On 9/20/06, Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Sep 2006, Scott Pascoe wrote:
> > Ok,
> >
> > Assuming that the makeskel has been run, then it would probably need to
> be
> > fleshed out. So, would the proper location for the xml documentation
> file be
> > in the root of the fpcdoc and should it be named paszlib.xml?
> Yes.
> Michael.
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