[fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Tue Oct 17 10:18:00 CEST 2006

On 17 okt 2006, at 09:25, Daniƫl Mantione wrote:

> If I compare my implementation of the Chameneos benchmark with the one
> from Marc (which uses Pthreads directly), mine is about two times  
> slower.
> This is propably caused that our thread functions often require  
> multiple
> Pthread calls,

Where? I only see this in starting/initialising/stopping/destructing  
things. The actual locking etc use one pthread call in all cases  
afaics. Of course, starting a Pascal thread requires initialising all  
the threadvars etc, but that is not going to change if you use  
something else than pthreads.


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