AW: [fpc-devel] MemoryLeak with AS Operator

Joost van der Sluis joost at
Wed Jul 26 12:43:48 CEST 2006

> With 2.02 we have the problem that the TDataset has different behaviour
> than in Delphi (Datetime).

That's easily patchable. And idscussed in this list a few times. Just
return a TDateTime in the GetFieldData.

> No we are making production code with a self patched 2.02 release
> (TDataset from 2.04) but that's no good solution.

Why not? It's the only one. There are several other changes in 2.0.4
that you need to get ZEOS working properly.

And as long ZEOS isn't released, you can safely build it against a fpc-
version that isn't released. I guess that fpc 2.0.4 will be there long
before the next ZEOS release.


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