[fpc-devel] sqldb lazarus component

alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it
Tue Dec 19 12:42:36 CET 2006

Hi to all, and excuse me if i'm writing to the wrong list but i just 
subrscibed ;)

I got a problem that i'm not able to resolve... i'm using lazarus and 
freepascal compiler tools to cross-compile a software i'm developing to 
a Pocket PC with Windows 2003 inside.

The system is winCe (widget) and ARM (architecture). Thanks to lazarus 
all works, but i got a problem...

The sqldb component have no libraries to (cross)compile in wince-arm 
I need the sqldb component files:

Compiled for arm-wince.

I got the i386-win32 version under:

But the arm-wince directory (in the lib directory) is empty.

I write to you cause this component should be open source, but i'm not 
able neither to compile it or to find the source, and i know that Joost 
van der Sluis that should be the component author write in that mailing 

I apologize if i wrote something wrong and if i'm asking for help, but 
i'm in a bit hurry and i have to discover if i can make my Pocket PC 
connect to a local mysql database as soon as possible, or i'll be forced 
to use .net (bleah).

Actually i have no problems to compile an executable application that 
works on it, but if i add SQLdb components i get, of course, compiling 

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