[fpc-devel] Re: WinCE port patches

Alexey Barkovoy clootie at ixbt.com
Tue Jul 5 13:19:20 CEST 2005

>> How do MS compilers handle code written for both Ansi and Unicode
>> environments, and the related data types? How are string arguments (out)
>> handled in Windows API's?
>> Is this Microsoft way a good model for other platforms?
> MS provides types for strngs/characters which are become differ if UNICODE 
> is defined or not.
> For example LPCTSTR is an LPCWSTR if UNICODE is defined, an LPCTSTR 
> otherwise.
> Therefore UNICODE define can easily convert MS RTL to unicode and 
> non-unicode versions.

And for Borland plan always was:

  String = WideString;
  Char = WideChar;
  String = AnsiString;
  Char = AnsiChar;

but seems it will not be realized for some or other reasons.

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