[fpc-devel] Access Violation with nested DLL's compiled byFPC(andsome more info on bug #4538)

L505 fpc505 at z505.com
Sun Dec 11 15:43:24 CET 2005

I just tried the bug report source code at
And I did not get an access violation or any errors.

Which proves that it depends on your random luck on a random day ;)


Unrelated note:

The PNG I took was 26KB - a JPEG was 89KB and lower quality. Interesting.
http://z505.com/images/BrokenDLLisWorking.jpg  In cases where lots of similar colors
are in the picture (such as lots of black or lots of white) it appears PNG's are
superior. In other cases, JPEGs are smaller and seem to be more efficient.

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