[fpc-devel]fpc l10n issue

Michael Van Canneyt michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Wed Mar 3 14:26:36 CET 2004

On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Rimgaudas Laucius wrote:

> Hello,
> 1) did you thought ever about creation l10n framework for fpc? I think
> contributors could submit translated fpc messages files (.msg) and other
> locale dependent stuff there. It needs tool for merging translated messages
> from one version to higher also.

This exists already. the msgdif tool does this. (see compiler/utils)

> 2) there is some messages like this: "Expected $1". We translated these
> messages, but stuff that comes from compiler under "$1" remains untranslated
> for example "Identifier" because it is hardcoded (i explored 1.0.6 v.). Can
> this be solved in future? For examle extracting those strings from compiler
> source to the messages file.

This could be done, but one of the compiler people would need to look
into this.


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