[fpc-devel]Fix for Make / Error with space in PATH env var
igdfpc at igdsoftware.com
igdfpc at igdsoftware.com
Mon Jun 28 03:13:38 CEST 2004
I originally posted this to fpc-pascal but didn't get much of a response.
The problem where having spaces in the environmental variable will error
out the Make process has been described.
Here is a work around I came up with:
It seems to work on my system. Could someone check this out and add to
code base if okay?
Open Lazarus\Designer\Makefile
Find this text:
override PATH:=$(subst \,/,$(PATH))
ifeq ($(findstring ;,$(PATH)),)
SEARCHPATH:=$(filter-out .,$(subst :, ,$(PATH)))
SEARCHPATH:=$(subst ;, ,$(PATH))
PWD:=$(strip $(wildcard $(addsuffix /pwd.exe,$(SEARCHPATH))))
ifeq ($(PWD),)
PWD:=$(strip $(wildcard $(addsuffix /pwd,$(SEARCHPATH))))
ifeq ($(PWD),)
$(error You need the GNU utils package to use this Makefile)
Replace with:
override PATH:=$(subst \,/,$(PATH))
# Empty variable
E :=
# Variable containing one space (space char between two empty vars) S :=
$E $E
# TEMPPATH is a variable contained the PATH environmental var with spaces
replaced with "*"
TEMPPATH:=$(subst $S,*,$(PATH))
# now, delimeters for directory names (:,;) are replaced with spaces ifeq
($(findstring ;,$(TEMPPATH)),)
SEARCHPATH:=$(filter-out .,$(subst :, ,$(TEMPPATH)))
SEARCHPATH:=$(subst ;, ,$(TEMPPATH))
# now, add the suffix "/pwd.exe" to the end of each space-delimted word in
the path
TEMPPWD:=$(addsuffix /pwd.exe, $(SEARCHPATH))
# change *'s back to spaces before continuing
TEMPPWD:=$(subst *, ,$(TEMPPWD))
PWD:=$(firstword $(wildcard $(TEMPPWD)))
ifeq ($(PWD),)
TEMPPWD:=$(addsuffix /pwd, $(SEARCHPATH)))
TEMPPWD:=$(subst *, ,$(TEMPPWD))
PWD:=$(firstword $(wildcard $(TEMPPWD)))
ifeq ($(PWD),)
$(error You need the GNU utils package to use this Makefile)
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