[fpc-devel]IDE (general and Darwin)

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Thu Feb 5 14:24:08 CET 2004

On 5 feb 2004, at 14:10, Karl-Michael Schindler wrote:

> What is actually the idea about further developments of the IDE, with 
> my particular interest in Darwin.
> My impression is that the FPIDE is winx and linux, but not *bsd and 
> not much further development.

The problem is that the two people who did the main development of the 
ide, don't have any time at all anymore to work on it. So the textmode 
ide development is indeed stalled currently.

> Then there is lazarus with more drive, but not much *bsd stuff there 
> too and overall appears to be more complex.

Yes, it's a complete gui environment with forms designer etc.

> I would be willing to put some effort into it, but which route will 
> give an IDE to darwin faster or more easily. Do you see a chance, that 
> I could get the TextMode IDE to Darwin by myself or should I look into 
> lazarus. Maybe, I missed something, like no way any time soon (:-)

Personally, I think it would be more useful to get XCode (and 
afterwards possibly Interface Builder) support working on Mac OS X. 
However, I don't have a clue as to how to accomplish this. I guess the 
xcode-users list at 
"http://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/xcode-users" would be a good 
place to start.

You are of course free to pursue whichever project you find most 


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