[fpc-devel]bugs to close

Johannes Berg johannes at sipsolutions.com
Tue Nov 25 12:00:18 CET 2003

> > 2759 - attached is a patch of i386 only. However, wouldn't it be more
> >        appropriate to handle FPU exceptions than checking all
> >        pre-conditions?
> If someone knows how to handle these exceptions correctly, yes.

Well, its platform dependent. On Windows, you get an exception. On
posix, you get SIGFPE (=8). Now, the question is how to handle that
Another possibility would be to mask the FPU exceptions before each
operation, reset the control word after the operation and also check if
an exception occurred. This will probably be slower because there's more
overhead before each FPU call. However, it'll still be far faster than
the current solution.
I'll investigate the signal handling issue(s) and see if its possible to
handle SIGFPE properly.

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