[fpc-devel]Unit not used ?

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.ugent.be
Sat Jun 7 11:28:28 CEST 2003

On vrijdag, jun 6, 2003, at 19:49 Europe/Brussels, Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:

> Ever since upgrading to  CVS 1.0.7 [2003/04/02] for i386,
> I have been getting some strange compiler hints:
>   unit_one.pp(119,13) Hint: Unit UNIT_TWO not used in UNIT_ONE
> Even though the unit actually is used.
> I could try to track down the problem, but the units in question are
> quite large, so I am wondering if anyone else knows what causes this.
> Is this a compiler bug, or is it trying to tell me I should move 
> something around ?

Normally, this means that even though you put "uses unit_two" in unit 
one, you're not using any procedure, type or global variable from 
unit_two in unit_one and unit_two also doesn't have an initialization 
section. So you can just remove the "uses unit_two;" from unit_one and 
unit_one should still compile and work correctly.


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