[fpc-devel]Some bugs in FCL in 1.0.x and 1.1 found and corrected

MichaƂ Kamburelis michalis at camelot.homedns.org
Sat Jul 26 05:49:09 CEST 2003


I was just playing with fcl examples and I found one bug in 
inc/streams.inc and A LOT of bugs in win32/fileinfo.pp. Bug in 
inc/streams.inc concerned the TStringStream class (I guess noone is 
using this class for anything so this bug was not noticed). And unit 
fileinfo.pp was totally unusable since these bugs prevented it from 
returning ANY version information info.

I corrected these bugs. Sorry, I'm unable to generate diffs so I will 
simply give here instructions on how to correct the bug in streams.inc 
and I'm attaching corrected version of fileinfo.pp. I found these bugs 
while compiling programs with FPC 1.0.10, FPC 1.1 is totally unstable on 
my win32 and linux so I wasn't able to actually _see_ these bugs in FPC 
1.1. But I see that streams.inc and fileinfo.pp sources are exactly the 
same for FPC 1.0.10 and 1.1 so I'm pretty sure that these things should 
be corrected in FPC 1.1 in the same way.

Here is how to correct streams.inc bug: line 713 in inc/streams.inc 
("ReadString:='';") should be REMOVED (this line is pure nonsense, it 
prevents method TStringStream.ReadString from returning correct result).

There were so many bugs and memory leaks in fileinfo.pp that I'm simply 
attaching to this letter corrected version of the file. I put some 
comments at the beginning of this file describing what I changed/added.

I hope these corrections will be applied to fpc 1.1. And anyone of you 
that is using stable version, 1.0.10 and wants to use TStringStream or 
TFileVersionInfo classes from FCL should probably apply these 
corrections to his FPC 1.0.10 too.

Michalis Kamburelis
michalis at camelot.homedns.org
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