[fpc-devel]Fpc for sparc solaris

Francois Schoubben fsc at info.fundp.ac.be
Thu Nov 28 16:59:59 CET 2002


I'm looking for a sparc version of pascal... 

I've used fpc under linux and windows, and i found it was a great
compiler for learning... 
I have to learn programming to students (18 years old, grade depend on
countries :) ) at university. 
They have only access to Solaris-Sprac computers. 

After some hours spend reading the documentation and searching the web,
i found that one or two person have been interested in a sparc port of
Free pascal (10 months ago i think), but i can't find a place explaining
clearly if something has been done.

I know that an amiga port currently occurs, but i can't even imagine a
pool of amiga stations :)

Can somebody here help me??? where to find something existing, is there
somebody trying to do it? which doc to read ?
(I haven't got time to developp it entierly myself, but could help, at
least for testing...)

thanks in advance for answers...
Francois Schoubben 
FUNDP   -   Institut d'Informatique
21 rue Grandgagnage,    B-5000 Namur    (Belgium)

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