[fpc-devel]Unexpected long compilation times when using multi-dimensional array

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Mon Feb 4 10:23:41 CET 2002

On maandag, februari 4, 2002, at 09:09 , Peter Vreman wrote:

> Using gprof under linux reveils the problem is in retrieving the size 
> of the array. This
> is done recursively resulting in an huge amount of calls to the 3 
> routines below:
>  60.41    345.47   345.47 1073741808     0.00     0.00  
>  20.27    461.41   115.94 4294967277     0.00     0.00
>  19.31    571.84   110.43 3221225478     0.00     0.00  
> To solve this we need to add some kind of caching for the size of an 
> arraydef.

Done. I didn't know it was also posted on the mailing list, I had only 
seen it on the web board.


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