[fpc-devel]Possible Compiler bug in FPC 1.04 under Win32?

murphy murphy at dev0.de
Wed Jan 17 12:58:58 CET 2001


When i compile the attached source code i got some strange 

Compiling devpdflib.pas
devpdflib.pas(88,27) Error: Incompatible types: got "<procedure variable type of function():SmallInt;ClearStack;Cdecl>" expected "SMALLINT"
devpdflib.pas(104,27) Error: Incompatible types: got "<procedure variable type of function():SmallInt;ClearStack;Cdecl>" expected "SMALLINT"
devpdflib.pas(120,14) Error: Incompatible types: got "<procedure variable type of function():^TPDF;ClearStack;Cdecl>" expected "PPDF"
devpdflib.pas(138) Fatal: There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping

The source code is for first error:

  TPDF_get_majorversion =function:Integer cdecl;
  FPDF_get_majorversion :TPDF_get_majorversion;

function PDF_get_majorversion:Integer;

The function call returns an error.
Does anyone knows why?

Please help me as fast as you can...

Bye, Torsten

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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  devPDFLib.pas
     Date:  17 Jan 2001, 12:53
     Size:  3016 bytes.
     Type:  Program-source
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