[fpc-devel]Sun sources, go32/win32 make errors

Lee, John LeeJ at logica.com
Mon Oct 23 14:33:42 CEST 2000

Funny this is what I just got with same source files starting with rel 1.0.2
- has there been commit err? 

2 (mkerrs) make log errors, Mon 12:55:05 possible error lines in go32-snap,
o/p file=d:\fpk\makes.dat (ofn)
sstrings.inc(21,11) note: interface and implementation names are different
_system$$_setlength$openstring$longint =>
symtable.pas(37,16) fatal: can't find unit cpubase
--Mon 23/10/00 12:49:54 make  go32v2zip OPT="-va" SNAPSHOT=1 FPCDIR= , using
go32/snap(s) c:\pp1\bin\ppc386 (12/10/00 13:34 260344)
c:/pp/bin/make.exe zipinstall OS_TARGET=go32v2
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `d:/fpk'
c:/pp/bin/make.exe compiler_cycle
make.exe[2]: Entering directory `d:/fpk'
c:/pp/bin/make.exe -C compiler cycle
make.exe[3]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
c:/pp/bin/make.exe clean
make.exe[4]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
rm -f ppc386.exe

...   snip   ...133242 lines omitted

Load from SYMTABLE (interface) unit SYMCONST
Load from SYMTABLE (interface) unit AASM
Load from SYMTABLE (interface) unit CPUBASE
Unitsearch: cpubase.ppu
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\compiler\cpubase.ppu
Unitsearch: cpubase.pp
Unitsearch: cpubase.pas
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\compiler\cpubase.ppu
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\compiler\cpubase.pp
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\compiler\cpubase.pas
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\rtl\go32v2\cpubase.ppu
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\rtl\go32v2\cpubase.pp
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\rtl\go32v2\cpubase.pas
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\api\go32v2\cpubase.ppu
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\api\go32v2\cpubase.pp
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\api\go32v2\cpubase.pas
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\fv\cpubase.ppu
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\fv\cpubase.pp
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\fv\cpubase.pas
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\packages\gdbint\cpubase.ppu
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\packages\gdbint\cpubase.pp
Unitsearch: d:\fpk\packages\gdbint\cpubase.pas
symtable.pas(37,16) Fatal: Can't find unit CPUBASE
make.exe[4]: *** [fp.exe] Error 1
make.exe[4]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/ide/text'
make.exe[3]: *** [fullgdb] Error 2
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/ide'
make.exe[2]: *** [ide_full] Error 2
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk'
make.exe[1]: *** [build-stamp.go32v2] Error 2
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk'
make.exe: *** [go32v2zip] Error 2

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