[fpc-devel]Wed sources, go32/win32 make errors
leej at logica.com
leej at logica.com
Wed Oct 18 05:33:40 CEST 2000
18/10/00 errors (-s=snap,-r=release used) making + win32s + win32r -- see log(s) below
log file errors??...see log below
d:\fpk\rtl\win32\wprt0.ow(.text+0x2):fake: undefined reference to `u_syswin32_isconsole'
d:\fpk\rtl\win32\wprt0.ow(.text+0xe):fake: undefined reference to `u_syswin32_isconsole'
d:\fpk\compiler\pp.ow(.text+0x185):pp.pas: undefined reference to `u_syswin32_isconsole'
c:/pp/bin/mv: pp.exe: no such file or directory (enoent)
--Wed 18/10/00 04:02:17 target o/s = win32 snap params mwn new
--initial compiler c:\pp1\bin\ppc386, 17/10/00, 02:05
--latest sources used 18/10/00 02:04
--dos, 4dos, dpmi versions 7.10, 6.01 0.90
--make string used ... make OPT="-Xs" RELEASE=1 OS_TARGET=win32 cycle
c:/pp/bin/make.exe clean
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
rm -f ppc386.exe
rm -f fpcmade.w32 ppas.bat link.res log
rm -f *.ow *.ppw *.rst *.sw *.aw *.dll *.ppl
... snip ...32 lines omitted
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 ../i386/cpu.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 ../i386/mmx.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 ../inc/getopts.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 -Sg ../inc/heaptrc.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 ../inc/lineinfo.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 wincrt.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 winmouse.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 sockets.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 printer.pp
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE. -Xs -di386 ../inc/dynlibs.pp
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/rtl/win32'
c:/pp/bin/make.exe remake3
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
c:/pp1/bin/ppc386.exe -Xs -dGDB -dBROWSERLOG -dSUPPORT_MMX -Twin32 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Sg -Fui386 -Fud:/fpk/rtl/win32 -Fii386 -FE. -Xs -di386 -XX pp.pas
D:\FPK\RTL\WIN32\WPRT0.OW(.text+0x2):fake: undefined reference to `U_SYSWIN32_ISCONSOLE'
D:\FPK\RTL\WIN32\WPRT0.OW(.text+0xe):fake: undefined reference to `U_SYSWIN32_ISCONSOLE'
D:\FPK\COMPILER\PP.OW(.text+0x185):pp.pas: undefined reference to `U_SYSWIN32_ISCONSOLE'
mv -f pp.exe ppc386.exe
c:/pp/bin/mv: pp.exe: No such file or directory (ENOENT)
make.exe[1]: *** [ppc386.exe] Error 1
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
make.exe: *** [cycle] Error 2
log file errors??...see log below
d:\fpk\rtl\win32\wprt0.ow(.text+0x2):fake: undefined reference to `u_syswin32_isconsole'
d:\fpk\rtl\win32\wprt0.ow(.text+0xe):fake: undefined reference to `u_syswin32_isconsole'
pp.ow(.text+0x185):pp.pas: undefined reference to `u_syswin32_isconsole'
c:/pp/bin/mv: pp.exe: no such file or directory (enoent)
--Wed 18/10/00 04:13:43 target o/s = win32 snap params mw c:\ppr
--initial compiler c:\ppr\bin\ppc386, 12/10/00, 13:34
--latest sources used 18/10/00 02:04
--dos, 4dos, dpmi versions 7.10, 6.01 0.90
--make string used ... make OS_TARGET=win32 RELEASE=1 cycle
c:/pp/bin/make.exe clean
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
rm -f ppc386.exe
rm -f fpcmade.w32 ppas.bat link.res log
rm -f *.ow *.ppw *.rst *.sw *.aw *.dll *.ppl
... snip ...96 lines omitted
make.exe[3]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
rm -f ppc386.exe
rm -f fpcmade.w32 ppas.bat link.res log
rm -f *.ow *.ppw *.rst *.sw *.aw *.dll *.ppl
rm -rf *.slw
rm -f fpcmade.w32 ppas.bat link.res log
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
c:/pp/bin/make.exe all
make.exe[3]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
d:/fpk/compiler/ppc1.exe !FPCEXTCMD -XX pp.pas
d:\FPK\RTL\WIN32\WPRT0.OW(.text+0x2):fake: undefined reference to `U_SYSWIN32_ISCONSOLE'
d:\FPK\RTL\WIN32\WPRT0.OW(.text+0xe):fake: undefined reference to `U_SYSWIN32_ISCONSOLE'
PP.OW(.text+0x185):pp.pas: undefined reference to `U_SYSWIN32_ISCONSOLE'
mv -f pp.exe ppc386.exe
c:/pp/bin/mv: pp.exe: No such file or directory (ENOENT)
make.exe[3]: *** [ppc386.exe] Error 1
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
make.exe[2]: *** [next] Error 2
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
make.exe[1]: *** [ppc2.exe] Error 2
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
make.exe: *** [cycle] Error 2
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