
Alejandro Nestor Vargas anv at xnetcuyo.com.ar
Tue Dec 19 18:19:42 CET 2000

> >The function ttyname does not work with /dev/pts/*
> >I think it is because the routine has been witten for /dev/<something>
> >not for /dev/<something>/<otherthing>
> Adding support for /dev/somedir/something seems pretty easy to implement,
> but are we sure that all tty respect this rule ?
> maybe some UniXies use /de/a/v/fg/56
> or who knows what ...

Right now I found the problem with RedHat Linux with kernel 2.2.16 with the
/dev/pts/* that is the replacement for the old format /dev/ttyp. This is not
the first time I´ve seen pts was some years ago (I think 5) in Data General

I know that adding support for this is easy. I can do this if I have the
time, but today I cannot promise anything. Then I report the problem and if
you don't solve it until I have some time, I will do it.

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