[Pas2js] We need help !

Mr Bee pak.lebah at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 19 04:42:07 CET 2019

My huge thank goes to 2 people who working on pas2js. I suppose they are Mattias and Michael. Thank you very much for your great and hard work. pas2js is something I've wanted since I knew Morfik.
You don't need to worry about spreading the word. Everytime pas2js announces something interesting and significant, I've always been helping promote it everywhere on the internet. I promote it in my local pascal facebook group, in my local pascal telegram group, in my social media accounts, etc.
However, pas2js is still very new and under heavy development. For an end user like me, it's quite hard to keeping track of what's going on. I'd like to help but I don't know what I've to do and how to do it. So, for now I just keep watching and playing around with the demos.
I plan to create the classical Graph unit for pas2js based on HTML's canvas, but I still couldn't work on it due to my daily work (plus some of my other hobbies). If I have enough knowledges, I also would like to create CRT unit so we could create a console app that works on browser such as this: https://swift.beejay.repl.run
Just a little suggestion about future of pas2js. Most developers today think mobile first, even when they're making web apps. I hope pas2js seriously consider this need and provide a solution immediately. Make pas2js beginner friendly, the first thing is to make it something that is easy to install (straight forward installer, no dependency to external tools such as fpc or lazarus, default config that just works) and easy to use (includes some instruction to use in various editors such as vs code, notepad++, etc; technical documentation that can only be provided by pas2js authors such as available units and classes, pas2js languages and syntaxes, pas2js vs pascal comparation such as with fpc or delphi, importing external js tools and frameworks, etc).
If it's easy to install and used, the next step is to make it easy to develop something (either simple web app, canvas web app, "console" web app, and most importantly mobile web app). They're the main barriers for new users. Once it's provided, users will able to help provide examples and demos, tutorials, even documentations.
I wish I have more time to play around with pas2js and contribute something that really benefecial to everyone.

–Mr Bee

    Pada Selasa, 19 Februari 2019 06.19.25 WIB, Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org> menulis:  

The transpiler is growing to a more mature compiler with every release.
There are 2 major 'modern' language features missing: Attributes and Generics
(implying operator overloading).

However, the transpiler by itself is not enough. A bigger ecosystem is desirable.
To make pas2js a success story, we need some help to make it grow and spread
the word.

Currently, there are essentially 2 people working on this in a concerted effort. 
I am aware of some efforts to make widgetsets, but those are long-term goals.
Short term, there are also plenty of small things that can be done to
improve pas2js...

We made a page with some ideas:

Every contribution is welcome: examples, or even just a mention on the wiki
pages of what you have achieved with Pas2js !

Also: if you have wishes, please let us know or better yet: include them on the
above wiki page...

Pas2js maillist  -  Pas2js at lists.freepascal.org
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