[Pas2js] Pas2js 0.9.31

warleyalex warleyalex at yahoo.com.br
Fri Jul 13 15:43:40 CEST 2018

a) When I compile a project using document.getElementsByClassName I always
get the 
--> Error: identifier not found "getElementsByClassName"
There's a minor type at the web unit:
    function getElementsyClassName(aNames : string) : TJSHTMLCollection;

b) To be able to work with pas2js, the Lazarus IDE needs to be told where
the source files are. I usually compile the 4 packages. The
fpcunit_pas2js.lpk package does not compile anymore.
Package fpcunit_pas2js 1.0: Executing command before: Exit code 217, Errors:
Panic: Pas2JS Compiler version 0.9.31+beta [2018/07/10] for Win32 i386
Panic: Copyright (c) 2018 Mattias Gaertner and others
Panic: C:\fpc2js\pas2js-windows-0.9.31\packages\fcl-base\custapp.pas(63,37)
Hint: (4501) Parameter "Sender" not used
Panic: Info: (129) 19071 lines in 20 files compiled, 1.3 secs
Panic: An unhandled exception occurred at $004420AD:
Panic: Exception: 
Panic:   $004420AD
Panic:   $00440469
Panic:   $00442AF7
Panic:   $0040C472
Panic:   $00440469
Panic:   $00443BB7
Panic:   $0040C472
Panic:   $00443E25
Panic:   $0040C472
Panic:   $00444610
Panic:   $0040C472
Panic:   $004426EE
Panic:   $00447CEF
Panic:   $0040C472
Panic:   $00440469
Panic:   $0044276D
Panic:   $0040C472
Panic: tool stopped with exit code 217. Use context menu to get more

d) In a experimental project I've got a mysterious "Fatal: Compilation
aborted", there is no errors displayed in the console. It could be many
things: Delphi code causing exceptions; DOM manipulations causing errors;
not implemented feature, etc. Any thoughts? In a future can be a feasible

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