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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 17/12/2023 à 17:47, Adriaan van Os
via fpc-pascal a écrit :<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:657F2625.5060704@adriaan.biz">Turbo
Pascal (5.5) defines
label = digit-sequence .
Are you sure ?<br>
I had a doubt and I had a look in some very old source code from
1990 made with tp 5.5, it seems you could have letters in labels.<br>
<p>Excerpt of the code:</p>
<pre>PROCEDURE EntCh(var col,lin,lmax:byte;var nbre:boolean;var ch:string);</pre>
<pre>{entr‚e d'une chaŒne de longueur maxi lmax, si nbre=true, on ne peut entrer}</pre>
<pre>{que des nombres, signes - et + et point d‚cimal .... }</pre>
LABEL e00,e01,e02,e03,e04;</pre>
VAR q,cpos,i,v:byte;</pre>
<pre> k :char;</pre>
BEGIN e00:ch:='';</pre>
<pre> q :=0;</pre>
<pre> cpos:=col;</pre>
<pre> textbackground(7);textcolor(0);</pre>
<pre> for i:=1 to lmax do write('_');</pre>
gotoXY(col,lin);goto e02;</pre>
<pre> e01:bip;</pre>
<pre> e02:k:=readkey;v:=ord(k);</pre>
if ((q>0) and (v=8)) then</pre>
<pre> begin</pre>
<pre> cpos:=cpos-1;q:=q-1;</pre>
<pre> gotoXY(cpos,lin);write('_');</pre>
<pre> ch:=left(ch,length(ch)-1);</pre>
<pre> gotoXY(cpos,lin);</pre>
<pre> goto e02;</pre>
<pre> end;</pre>
if ((q=0) and (v=13)) then</pre>
<pre> begin</pre>
<pre> ch:=k;goto e04;</pre>
<pre> end;</pre>
if (v=13) then goto e04;</pre>
case nbre of</pre>
true : if ((v>47)and (v<58)) or (v=46) then</pre>
<pre> goto e03 else goto e01;</pre>
false: if (v>31) then goto e03 else goto e01;</pre>
end; {case nbre of}</pre>
e03:q:=q+1;if (q>lmax) then goto e01;</pre>
write(k);ch:=ch+k;cpos:=cpos+1;goto e02;</pre>
END; {procedure EntCh(...)}</pre>