<p>Am 27.07.2017 17:18 schrieb <<a href="mailto:noreply@z505.com">noreply@z505.com</a>>:<br>
> On 2017-07-25 11:00, Martok wrote:<br>
>>> Ideally the function should be portable between FPC and Delphi XE5...<br>
>> You'd only need your own functions for Delphi, FPC's intrinsics such as Insert()<br>
>> can already work with arrays:<br>
>> var<br>
>> Â b, c: TBytes;<br>
>> begin<br>
>> Â b:= TBytes.Create(1,2,3);<br>
>> Â c:= TBytes.Create(10,11);<br>
>> Â Insert(c,b,2);<br>
>> -> b is now [1,2,10,11,3]<br>
> The fpc wiki should probably be updated?<br>
> I cannot find "insert" on this page:<br>
> <a href="http://wiki.freepascal.org/Array">http://wiki.freepascal.org/Array</a></p>
<p>Then update it.</p>
<p>> I cannot find it here either:<br>
> <a href="https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/ref/refsu14.html">https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/ref/refsu14.html</a></p>
<p>The documentation is always for the latest release (currently 3.0.2, soon 3.0.4), but only trunk supports this as well as Delete() (Concat() is not yet implemented however).</p>