<p>Am 25.04.2016 22:44 schrieb "Anthony Walter" <<a href="mailto:sysrpl@gmail.com">sysrpl@gmail.com</a>>:<br>
> Sven,<br>
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you add support for class/record helpers on generics? For example I'd like to be able to add methods to dynamic arrays:<br>
> type<br>
> TArray<T> = array of <T>;<br>
> TCompare<T> = function(constref A, B: T): Integer;<br>
> TArrayHelper<T> = record helper for TArray<T><br>
> private<br>
> ...<br>
> public<br>
> procedure Sort(Compare: TCompare);<br>
> function First: T;<br>
> function Last: T;<br>
> function Random: T;<br>
> // and so on<br>
> end;<br>
> As it is right now the compiler will not allow this.</p>
<p>No, I did not and it's also not planned.</p>